Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blue and Gold Banquet

Curtis had his first Blue and Gold Banquet last night. He was very excited about it. The theme was "The 50 States". The boys chose hamburgers and hot dogs for the main dish. Each boy brought an ingredient (pickles, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, etc.) and the moms supplied side dishes like pasta salad, green salad, and potato salad. For dessert there was apple pie and ice cream.

Each boy was also assigned to bring an item from a state of his choosing and do a report on that state. Curtis was given a buffalo hat from Wyoming when his Uncle Gary, Aunt Marguerite, and cousins: Ricky and Gabby went to Yellowstone Park a couple of years ago. We printed off some information from Wikipedia and took it home. He worked for an hour or so Tuesday night on his report. He did a great job. I was so proud of him. He was one of only three boys that remembered to do a report. Maybe it is just the proud Mom in me, but I think he did the very best out of all of them.
He also earned a bead for his bead thingie (I don't know what it is called). It was a very big, important night for him.


  1. Our was this month too. We have new cubmasters and it was a little lackluster in both decoration and food. I love the report idea and that the boys picked the food. Ours was nothing special for the boys, no responsibility, no part in planning. I'm not complaining however as I do not want to be the cubmaster. I love the pictures and that it was such a good experience.

  2. Congradulations Curtis-you are awesome and I can't wait to hear your report!

  3. I'm sure he did do the very best out of all of them!

    Good thing he didn't have to use the bathroom at his Blue & Gold banquet or he might have ended up on your blog with his pants around his ankles too. ;)

    (Matthew told me to write that.)

  4. Curtis is much to savy to wind up on his mom's blog with his pants around his ankles.
