Monday, February 23, 2009

Am I Going to Die?

We put our kids to bed tonight at 8:30. The kids were in bed maybe 10 minutes or so, when Curtis came down the hall crying. We couldn't understand him very well, but I figured out he was saying, "I don't want to die. Am I going to die?" We tried to calm him down and asked what was going on. Well, here's the story:

I guess sometime Saturday night he pulled a hot dog out of the freezer and put it in a drawer in his room. Then I guess he ate it sometime Sunday. Sometime tonight he realized maybe that wasn't the brightest idea. Earlier tonight he was asking Mike questions about salmonella. Neither one of us picked up on anything being wrong.

Mike and I started laughing hysterically in between lecturing him. Both tactics didn't work in calming him down. Finally we calmed down and in return he calmed down and we sent him back to bed. My biggest question in all this is: Why? Why? Why would you do that? Answers anyone?


  1. My quick answer is that he did it because he's an 8 year old boy. But, because he's also YOUR 8 year old boy he's plagued with anxiety and an unnatural fear of food borne illnesses. But, I do have to say "Curtis. A hot dog from your drawer? Really?"

  2. For some reason your blog is hard to comment on. I don't know why but it kicks me off or won't give me the word verification thing... Just want you to know I comment more than you see. Sometimes it just gets erased. This one cracked me up. Poor little anxious Curtis. He tries to be a little sneaky and it all backfires on him!

    and you ask why my sister???? because he's a boy. I second Auntie Maury.

  3. oh man and it's not RAchel!!!! it's me Jamie!!!!!!
