Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I love my job, I love my job, I love my job. Most of the time. One unfortunate aspect of it is occasionally having to write referrals. I don't write them very often, but sometimes they are needed. They are for students who break the rules big time. Not talking in class rule breaking, but bigger issues. I have a young man who I will refer to as David, (as in Goliath). He has gotten 3 referrals in less than a month.

#1 March 10th - The yard duty lady brought him to me and informed me that he and another student had been throwing rocks at each other. David got hit in the head. The other student got hit in the leg. I asked, "Why shouldn't we throw rocks, David?" He looked at me and said, "Because it is nature." Really nature? What does that have to with anything? I calmly explained again (we had already had a discussion in class) why we shouldn't throw rocks and told the duty lady to write him up. He lost a couple days worth of recesses.

#2 March 25th - The class came in from P.E. and I was told that David was throwing rocks at a student from our class. Me: "David why did you throw rocks?" David: "I don't know. I forgot." Me: "Ok David I have to write another referral." He got in-house suspension for a day.

#3 March 31 - During our math test yesterday he was throwing crayons at another student. Me: "Why are you doing that?" David: "I don't know." I wrote a behavior report instead of a referral.

#4 April 1 - After P.E. (again) the class came in and someone told me that David was throwing rocks at a student from our class. I asked the victim if he got hit and yes he did. Right under the eye. So again I wrote another referral and took him to the principal. The VP had been dealing with this before and it keeps happening. So I took him to the Big Guy. My principal suspended him and really talked turkey to him. So I hope this will be our final incident, because I'm tired of writing referrals and being the mean one.

1 comment:

  1. wow! that kid is just determined to be in trouble. I haven't had to deal with any rock throwing at recess but we had some biting. that was fun.
