Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had big, big plans for our Easter. We were going to have Mike's sister and her family over for a 9 A.M. Easter egg hunt and breakfast. I was going to make Norwegian waffles with strawberries, bacon and sausage. Then we were going to frost the Easter sugar cookies Alyssa and I had made Saturday afternoon. Then in the evening Mike's parents and my sister, Christy were coming over for Easter dinner. We have church in the afternoon, so we were going to eat at 6:00.

About 7:30 Saturday evening plans changed. We were just about to color eggs when Alyssa yelled, "Come quick the potty is filling up." Mike got the plunger and started plunging. Then he started pulling every single towel we own out of the closet and swearing like a sailor. Then he went and got some tools and took the toilet off the floor and swore some more. Then he went outside, still swearing and started messing with the septic tank valve thing. Then he went and got a shovel, informed us that we were not to turn on any water. He proceeded to dig until 9:30 that night. He said the septic tank was totally plugged. Yea! There went all of our Easter plans out the window. Luckily our showers are hooked up to a gray water system to water our trees, so we could shower. But that was all! We had to use our travel trailer to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness we had the travel trailer.

We called everyone in the morning to cancel and he kept digging. I was feeling really sorry for myself while I got ready for church. While I was drying my hair and feeling sorry for myself it hit me that Easter isn't about Easter egg hunts and Easter breakfasts or dinners. It is about the Savior and the great gift he gave us. I felt really bad that I had been thinking about me when I should have been thinking about Jesus's great sacrifice. I started going over in my mind the pains he had and the blood he shed on my behalf. I began to feel very grateful.

Right before the children and I left for church Mike told me that he had gotten the septic system unplugged. So at least Easter dinner was back on. Yea! The children and I were in the car on the way to church and Curtis expressed his displeasure. He told me that his Easter had been ruined. At that moment I felt grateful for the experience I had had earlier. I started recounting to Curtis the events that led up to the Savior's crucifixion. It was a very sweet experience to share with my children.


  1. I'm totally impressed at how you turned your day around. What an important lesson! Thank you for this post. I needed it.

  2. Thank you for those sweet thoughts. Your children look smashing in their Easter clothes by the way!

  3. Well, the Easter Egg Hunt turned out crappy, (pun intended) but I'm glad you had a nice day.

    My wife is right, your kids look cute in their Easter get-ups.


  4. Thanks for dinner, it was delicious and the house didn't even stink!! I didn't use the bathroom while I was there though...didn't want to plug up the works! Love you! PS the pics don't do the kids justice, they were far cuter in person!!!!

  5. Hey jennifer.
    I second everyon'es comments. It is about more than eggs and it's good to remember that fact... and it's wonderful to be able to remember in time to be a good example to your little man. I love this post. Thanks for sharing.
    guess what??? it is REALLY snowing today... april 15th. yuck

  6. Jamie said it but if RAchel's info is up your site doesnt' allow me to change the info.... very frustrating...
