Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Thoughtful Men In My Life

One of Mike's friends from work who is in one of the Twenty-nine Palms wards invited Mike and the kids to go camping. It is a camp out sponsored by the Cub Scouts for families. I was gearing up to go, not feeling very happy about it, because I love sleeping in a tent, on the ground, with a bunch of people I don't know, but I wanted to make my family happy so I was going to grin and bear it.

Last night, Mike, bless his heart said, "How about I take the kids and you get to be all by yourself for a night." So he and the kids started planning our their menu of the food they would eat and Alyssa was getting really excited about this. She has never been camping in the tent, unless you count our front yard.

A few minutes later I heard Curtis softly talking to her saying, "Alyssa I think you should stay home with Mom. She'll be all by herself." I overheard this and said that I would be fine. I told Curtis that it would be fine if they both went camping. Alyssa looked at me and said, "You can be in charge and you will be not scared. Right?" I assured her that I would be just fine and since she put me in charge I wouldn't be scared.

I appreciate Curtis for thinking of me, but think it is really interesting that while he was not ready to throw himself on the sword and stay home with me, he was willing to sacrifice his sister for the cause.


  1. He also probably doesn't realize that although you love them all to pieces, it's probably a treat to have a night all to yourself!

  2. This kind of follows Maury's "Count your many blessings, doesn't it! lOVE TO YOU ALL. mOM

  3. My last word verification was "fudgic" that holds well with the Buma family...they think that all chocolate is just case that makes no sense...a play on magic...oh well. I tried. Mom

  4. That is thoughtful of both of them.... mostly.
    love Alyssa's in charge stuff. she's so cute.
