Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Employee of the Year

Last night Mike received the Maintenance Employee of the Year Award at the school board meeting last night. He didn't want to go, but his boss, who is also a good friend, was really nervous about it and would have had to talk about him anyway. So we went. I was really proud of him, because he truly hates things like this. They gave him a beautiful plaque and he'll get $100 extra in his next paycheck. Mike is a great guy and doesn't always get the recognition he truly deserves.


  1. Mike is a great guy. Congrats! It's nice when others recognize what we all already know.

  2. Way to go Mike! He is such a hardworker. Anyone would be privileged to have Mike working for them. He's good at what he does and CARES about doing a good job. That is becoming a rare thing in our world. I'm glad he was recognized. I hope he gets to do something fun with his bonus!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. HI em... trippy.. we posted comments at the same time, you beat me by one minute I see but I it popped up the second mine did.

    no scandal Christy... just a typo.....

  5. Congradulations Mike! It's so hard to find dedicated hardworking employees, so I know how muc you appreciate someone like Mike-he's awesome. Have fun fishing!

  6. I know I'm kinda late to this bandwagon of congratulations, but I'll do it anyway! Congrats Mike! You totally deserve it!!

  7. We just arrived home from the cabin to this exciting news. YAHOO! GOOD GOING!!!!! This is great. We love you. Mom and Dad

  8. That last one: "we arrived..." is from us; I have no idea how it came up under the Marquesa's names. There's a ghost in my computer. Mom

  9. This is way late... but, congratulations, Mike.
