Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Dentist

Wouldn't it be great if we all loved going to the dentist? My kids do. They think it is a treat I take them twice a year. They go to a pediatric dentist in Palm Springs. We always take the day off from school and just make it a fun day. Christy decided to take the day off and go with us.

We left at 9:00 and went to Palm Desert first. We went to Kohl's and I couldn't find anything I liked, but left with some wooden lowercase letters that spell out buma, for Maury to help arrange into a nifty wall design when she comes up for Alyssa's ballet recital next week. (Hey Maury this serves as a please will you help me with this project when you come? I'll love you forever!) Then we went to our favorite store, Target. I spent way too much money and can't even tell you what I got. Then we went to the mall so Curtis could use his $25 Barnes and Noble gift card that he got from Grandma Buma. We decided to eat at the food court since we were short on time. I introduced my kids to the beauty that is Hotdog on a Stick. I love their lemonade and I knew that they would love love love the corndogs. They did. Christy got sushi (bleck!)

Then it was time to make our way to the dentist. As we were driving, on Highway 111, it suddenly went to one lane of traffic from three. We should have been early, but were late. Christy called and told them we would be about 5 minutes late and they were great about it. That is the best doctor/dentist's office I have ever been to. They always get you right in and the appointments never take a long time and if there is some time delay they have video games in the office which I'm sure you can guess makes Curtis ecstatic. Since he has mean parents who have been unwilling to buy any video games. (We just bought them a Wii this Christmas and that is it!)

When finished we made a hurried trip to Trader Joes. I love that place. I wish they would build one here in Yucca. Alas, not yet. Maybe someday. A girl can dream can't she?


  1. No wonder they love the dentist! I would love it too if I got to spend the day shopping with you & Christy. All but the lunch part - I don't know which is worse corn dogs or sushi! ;)

  2. ohhh... Emily... I love a good corndog. Even with my ... ahem... more mature palette. I repeat! I love a good corn dog! Sushi is sooooo the worst part of that deal.

    We have a great kid dentist too. I think I rolled my eyes when I first heard of someone going to a pediatric dentist but I have taken it back so many times because we take our kids to a pediatric dentist practice and it is so wonderful. THey think it is the best place to go too! They are so good to them there and the focus is on how to make it a pleasant place and it shows. It really makes a difference.
