Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Beautiful Baby Girl!

Alyssa had her ballet recital tonight. This photograph was taken last night at her dress rehearsal. Tonight she looked even prettier. She was so excited about tonight, she was almost jumping out of her skin. She did a beautiful job. I was a very proud mommy.

During part of the dance she and another little girl hold up their arms while the other little girls go underneath them. Last night at dress rehearsal this other little girl on Alyssa's other side kept lifting up her arm and confusing the girls who were supposed to go underneath. Alyssa and I talked about this, because she was a little mad. So I told her that if Abby tries to lift up her arm, she should just not lift it. During the dance Abby tried to lift her arm and I watched her shake her head no at Abby and forcibly keep her arm down.

After the dance was over she bowed and had the biggest smile on her face. She was so proud of herself and seemed to enjoy the experience so much. The teachers kept all the little girls in the back until the very end when all of the top class performed. Then they brought them out to watch. They had saved the front two rows for them. We were in the third row right behind her. Her teachers were the last to dance. She watched so quietly and clapped and clapped when they finished. It was cute.

After the recital was over, she recieved flowers from us, Grandma and Aunt Christy, and Elly Werner her primary teacher. She was thrilled. I took a few pictures of her. Tomorrow I will post more pictures.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm a Janitor

Today I went to meet a friend for yogurt. Mike was working, doing a side job, so my mother-in-law took care of the kids. They love to go over there. She has toys from when my husband and his siblings were young and Curtis and Alyssa think those toys are the coolest! Of course Grandma spoils them rotten, so that helps too. Today Grandma gave Alyssa part of her Christmas present that hadn't arrived until after Christmas. Grandma told Alyssa that it was so she could help mommy. My daughter has a rich and vivid imagination. We often hear her talking to "friends" telling them what to do. This is the present. It is a little cleaning cart with a broom, bucket, dustpan, mop, and a toy vacuum. I thought she would want to pretend to be mom and clean stuff up. Nope. Using a deep voice, she announced that she was the janitor. She proceeded to go around the house "cleaning". At one point I asked her to pick something up and instead of just picking it up, she said, "Sure I'll get that done for you, because I'm the janitor." She went and got her cart and picked it up and then vacuumed and swept up the area. If only she would turn into the janitor when I ask her to clean her room. At dinner she announced that when she grew up, she was going to be a janitor. If this is true, please let it be just to put herself through college.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Dentist

Wouldn't it be great if we all loved going to the dentist? My kids do. They think it is a treat I take them twice a year. They go to a pediatric dentist in Palm Springs. We always take the day off from school and just make it a fun day. Christy decided to take the day off and go with us.

We left at 9:00 and went to Palm Desert first. We went to Kohl's and I couldn't find anything I liked, but left with some wooden lowercase letters that spell out buma, for Maury to help arrange into a nifty wall design when she comes up for Alyssa's ballet recital next week. (Hey Maury this serves as a please will you help me with this project when you come? I'll love you forever!) Then we went to our favorite store, Target. I spent way too much money and can't even tell you what I got. Then we went to the mall so Curtis could use his $25 Barnes and Noble gift card that he got from Grandma Buma. We decided to eat at the food court since we were short on time. I introduced my kids to the beauty that is Hotdog on a Stick. I love their lemonade and I knew that they would love love love the corndogs. They did. Christy got sushi (bleck!)

Then it was time to make our way to the dentist. As we were driving, on Highway 111, it suddenly went to one lane of traffic from three. We should have been early, but were late. Christy called and told them we would be about 5 minutes late and they were great about it. That is the best doctor/dentist's office I have ever been to. They always get you right in and the appointments never take a long time and if there is some time delay they have video games in the office which I'm sure you can guess makes Curtis ecstatic. Since he has mean parents who have been unwilling to buy any video games. (We just bought them a Wii this Christmas and that is it!)

When finished we made a hurried trip to Trader Joes. I love that place. I wish they would build one here in Yucca. Alas, not yet. Maybe someday. A girl can dream can't she?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

This morning I decided that my class would watch the Inauguration on television. I didn't think I would be affected by it all. I was very touched by the whole event. It was truly beautiful and it made me proud to be an American and live in this wonderful country where the opportunities are endless, if we but work for them. I was moved by the beautiful music. Can I just say, I love YoYo Ma.

I teach 1st and 2nd graders and I didn't know how they would react to it all. They were very quiet and respectful. They stood when we were asked to stand when the oath of office was given. They seemed very engrossed in the President's speech as well. I was thrilled that I could share it with this class.

My 2nd graders are learning how to write a friendly letter and after the Inauguration was over it was writing time. We were going to start a new letter and go through the whole brainstorm, planning, writing, editing cycle once again and I asked, "Who should we write a letter to?" I was hoping I would get some buy in, since I was planning that we write to the President. I had many students shout out, "the president, the president". So that is what we are doing. I think I will send them too. I think he needs to know what children think.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank you Dr, King!

I admire Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for many reasons. His beautiful words, his bravery, and most of all because of him I get the day off. Now I hope you will picture all these fun activities in your mind, because yes, I forgot the camera.

Mike was going to take the kids camping this weekend, but because of the events of last week, they lost that opportunity. We decided that we would take them for a picnic. I got up early, (despite getting up with Alyssa at 2:00 and then again at 2:30. She had an earache.) and made egg salad and chocolate chip cookies, packed up the cooler, showered and got the kids ready. About 10:00 we left for Indian Cove in Joshua Tree National Park. We went to a picnicking area, climbed rocks, hiked around and ate our lunch of egg salad sandwiches (ham for Alyssa), chips, apples, and chocolate chip cookies.

When we finished, we drove into 29 Palms and went to the visitor's center. We came home and took naps. Again, Thank you Dr. King! I think Curtis was the only one who didn't sleep. Mike had a dentist appointment at 4:00 and Alyssa had a ballet class at 4:30. I could sure tell she didn't feel really well. I wouldn't have taken her, but the ballet recital is on January 31st and her class needs as much practice as possible. There are some really undisciplined children, who interrupt and don't listen well at all in this session.

Again I wish I had not forgotten the camera, because I tell you, there would have been great pictures.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

That's Me the Wal-mart Greeter

My extra duty this year is to watch the quad area of the school in the morning. The children come in through the cafeteria and either eat breakfast before heading out to the playground or just head out. I make sure no one runs, goes into activity centers 3 and 4, and no one walks on the upper sidewalk next to activity centers 3 and 4. I basically feel like a Wal-mart greeter. "Good morning and good morning to you."

One bright spot in my morning is seeing 3 former students who I adore. One is a sixth grader who I had as a second grader, one a 5th grader who I had for two years in a combo class first as a 1st grader and then a 2nd grader. The last student is a 3rd grader who I had last year. These 3 girls are probably all on my top ten favorite student list, so it really makes my day to get hugs from them. The other bright spot of my day is this cute little 1st grade boy. Everyday his clothing style changes. One day it is a neat little dapper vest, dress shirt and one of those newsboy type caps. Oh and he carries a soft briefcase instead of a backpack. He is adorable! That's what he wore yesterday. Today he was in full cowboy regale. Hat, shirt, boots, jeans. I wish I could stop him everyday and take a picture. That probably wouldn't be good though.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Two naughty children

I'm sure you look at these two beautiful children and think, "Why they look almost perfect." I love them dearly, but they make me into a crazy person sometimes. Last night at Family Home Evening we had our lesson, then had a family discussion about our mornings. They are pretty horrible here at our house. We talked about how I had staff meeting in the morning and so we needed to be at school by 7:45. The children fully agreed to helping in the morning, so we could be on time. It didn't happen. There was running around naked, leisurely savoring of breakfast, pretending to be a horse with our shoes on our front feet, forgetting what we were supposed to brush our teeth, etc. As a result, I turned into crazy, insane mom in the car. I basically told them that I quit as their mom. I wasn't doing any body's laundry, making any one's meals, etc, etc. They started crying and saying, "You mean you don't want to be my mom anymore?"

We arrived about 5 -7 minutes late. Usually the kids go to my room and watch T. V. until I come in. I made them sit in the office at the round table during the staff meeting. Then we walked to the room, after the gloom and doom that was staff meeting, what with the California budget situation. When we got to the room, we had a little family meeting. I apologized for getting so angry and reassured them, that yes I did want to continue being their mom. Then I asked the what consequences should be. Curtis decided they should be grounded. I asked what he meant by that. He told me that he thought they shouldn't be able to play the Wii. I asked if he thought that was enough. He said no, that probably no t.v. either. I agreed and then asked how many days he thought it should be. He told me that 5 ought to do it. I said OK that was agreeable to me.

After school they were totally agreeable about not watching t.v. in the classroom. I got all my stuff done and left. On the way home, Alyssa asked me if I was still mad at them. We talked about mercy and I told them, that I was going to be merciful and knock their restriction down to 3 days. They were really grateful, until I told them they had to tell their dad what happened this morning. They got that over and all was better in the Buma house. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a week!

This has been the longest week! Probably because I was unprepared to go back to work this past Monday. Having 3 snow days before Christmas break didn't help. So I used all recesses and all my lunches, plus a lot of time after school, to keep my head above water this week and prepare for next week. I was so glad I made it through the week! It was touch and go there for awhile. Alyssa had ballet on Monday night, Curtis' Cub Scouts meeting was cancelled for this week, so after school activities were not that bad.

I worried about the dogs during the day too, because they have gotten very used to being inside a lot of the day and it is still cold most of the time. Here is a picture of Belle one morning, looking really pitiful right before she went outside for the day. Don't you feel really bad for her?
Last weekend, Mike and Curtis built a doghouse for the dogs. They did a really good job. Alyssa got to help Dad and Curtis paint it. I will try and take a picture of it and post it later, because they did such a great job.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today we had our first 1:00 church meeting for the year. How many does Sundays until we change back to 9:00? I hate church in the afternoon. No opportunity for a nap is the worst part.

Last night I reminded the children that they would be getting new teachers in primary. Alyssa has been very lucky and has had Sister Werner for two years. Last night the look on her face when I told her that she would be going to a new class with a new teacher was so sad. The bottom lip came out and she said, "Sista Wenew isn't going to be my teacher?" She was so sad. I felt so bad for her. I told her that she had been very lucky to have had Sister Werner for two years. Curtis, being the mature man of the world that he is, said, "That's ok, I'll miss Sister Prudholm, but it is ok."

We got to church early and saw Sister Werner and I told her that Alyssa was really sad about moving to a new class and a new teacher. She told me that she was moving with her class. You never saw a happier little girl! She was so excited!

Church was good, no weird testimonies. A cute little marine that just got out of basic training and arrived from Michigan at 12:00 noon today, bore a very sweet testimony. I swear he looked like he was about twelve years old. Also our new missionary bore his testimony and it was very sweet. After Sacrament meeting Bishop Mecham asked Mike and I to come into his office. He called us to be the Den leaders for Curtis' cub scout den. I think he is the only Wolf. It sounds fun.

Now I'm just trying to get ready for tomorrow. School starts again and I'm not ready as I lost my two prep periods to snow days. So good night for now!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shopping with Alyssa

Yesterday Alyssa and I decided to go to the outlet mall in Cabazon. Big mistake! For those of you who have been there, we had to park down past the McDonald's and like the pioneer children we walked and walked and walked and walked some more. People were so rude, too. You would have thought we weren't even there, the way people pushed and shoved us.

We bought Alyssa some cute clothes at Gymboree. Then we went to the kitchen store and bought oil for my new wonderful huge butcher block cutting board that I got from my parents for Christmas. Finally we went to Wilson Leather and got me a new purse, which I love!

We tried to stop at the little food courts to get something to eat, but couldn't even get in to either one. So we ended up walking back down to the car, putting our stuff in, and going to McDonald's. Yuck! I don't know about you, but when I go shopping, McDonald's for lunch doesn't cut it.

When we got home, Mike made the comment that we sure had been gone a long time for the little bit we bought. I explained that we had spent more time parking and walking than we had shopping. Even though we walked more than we shopped, I think we had fun. That little girl can talk and talk. Her observations are so cute and I truly enjoyed being with her.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

The kids and I celebrated New Year's Eve day by sleeping in, dressing up like Batman, (the kids, not me, although that would be interesting!) and going to see The Tale of Despereax. We loved the movie. It was a great movie. I have not read the book yet, but I would love to now. Curtis loved that the girl who plays Hermoine in Harry Potter was the voice of the princess. There were lots of great actors doing the voices for the different characters.

Our New Year's Eve consisted of us eating salsa chicken cooked in the crockpot in tacos and spanish rice. I made extra chicken so I could make enchiladas in a coupld of days. Christy came over, ate with us, and spoiled my kids. She brought them Christmas presents. Curtis got a couple of games for the Wii and Alyssa got a little sleeping bag for sleep overs. They both were very excited. We celebrated the New year a little before 10:00, as Alyssa was getting grouchy (I know you all are stunned that Alyssa would be getting grouchy). We had sparkling cider and rice krispie treats for our treat. I had bought a bag of poppers, hats, streamers and horns for the celebration. The kids blew their horns loudly, while I covered my ears, party pooper that I am. Then we popped all the poppers and threw the streamers. Then we cleaned up the mess. I think all of us were in bed before 12:00. Happy New Year!