I'm sure you look at these two beautiful children and think, "Why they look almost perfect." I love them dearly, but they make me into a crazy person sometimes. Last night at Family Home Evening we had our lesson, then had a family discussion about our mornings. They are pretty horrible here at our house. We talked about how I had staff meeting in the morning and so we needed to be at school by 7:45. The children fully agreed to helping in the morning, so we could be on time. It didn't happen. There was running around naked, leisurely savoring of breakfast, pretending to be a horse with our shoes on our front feet, forgetting what we were supposed to brush our teeth, etc. As a result, I turned into crazy, insane mom in the car. I basically told them that I quit as their mom. I wasn't doing
any body's laundry, making
any one's meals, etc, etc. They started crying and saying, "You mean you don't want to be my mom anymore?"
We arrived about 5 -7 minutes late. Usually the kids go to my room and watch T. V. until I come in. I made them sit in the office at the round table during the staff meeting. Then we walked to the room, after the gloom and doom that was staff meeting, what with the California budget situation. When we got to the room, we had a little family meeting. I apologized for getting so angry and reassured them, that yes I did want to continue being their mom. Then I asked the what consequences should be. Curtis decided they should be grounded. I asked what he meant by that. He told me that he thought they shouldn't be able to play the
Wii. I asked if he thought that was enough. He said no, that probably no t.v. either. I agreed and then asked how many days he thought it should be. He told me that 5 ought to do it. I said
OK that was agreeable to me.
After school they were totally agreeable about not watching t.v. in the classroom. I got all my stuff done and left. On the way home, Alyssa asked me if I was still mad at them. We talked about mercy and I told them, that I was going to be merciful and knock their restriction down to 3 days. They were really grateful, until I told them they had to tell their
dad what happened this morning. They got that over and all was better in the Buma house. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.