It was really cold this morning when I got up. I turned on the shower and climbed back in bed, to wait for it to get warm. After a couple of minutes I knew it was warm and I had to hoist my behind out of bed and get in that shower before I fell back asleep. After the nice warm shower I hurried into some clothes and roused my kids. It was so cold in the house, even though Mike had turned on the pellet stove. (He's so good to us!) I realized that sweat shirt jackets were not going to do it. I searched and searched for both the kids' jackets and it occured to me that they were probably still out in the trailer. As I walked out there I realized it was snowing. Nothing was really sticking, but it was snowing. I found the jackets and returned to the house.
By the time we left the snow was sticking. I was wishing that I could just stay home with a good book and curl up on the couch by the pellet stove, but no, I had to go to work. I got to school and realized that it would be inclement weather. Not knowing what that meant at this school, I asked and found out that it meant pretty much not leaving my classroom all day. The duty guards came and spelled me for a couple of minutes to use the facilities.
These are the intrepid souls in my class who braved it to come to school today. I had four students who were absent today. Then 3 more went home early. We don't do snow well here in the desert.
It snowed all day today until at 2:30ish, it started raining slush.
We don't do snow too well in our desert either! I discovered yesterday that Bethany has outgrown her only pair of snow boots & had to wear mine over her shoes. We don't even own a scraper for our cars' windows!
ReplyDelete4 more workdays right?
YMES has grass?
Yes, right in the quad area. Of course they only mow it during the school day. Thank you groundskeepers.